Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hurrah futility!

Hurrah futility!
What you need, not what? What is reasonable and what is not? It is often judged prematurely, which is inherent in things no sense. The error of judging is often so drastic that it was later revealed as reverse prophecy says Sascha Lobo.
One morning in the fifth century before Christ, Socrates went to the Athens market, where he used to philosophize publicly. Given the exhibited products, the exclamation escaped him: "How many things I do not need you".
So it has at least one of the written down in ancient times not so few significant Diogenes in his book "A History of Greek Philosophy."
2,500 years later, Socrates in the digital sphere has found millions of unconscious imitators, whose comments, however, differ in one essential detail. Faced with new products, platforms, services, calls a loud and talkative group reliably every opportunity: "It needs no one!"
This allegation of futility is one of the more nonsensical statements on the Internet. And laymen should have guessed that not the most stupid utterances lies in the lack of power. For this set is in the network, which is in politics for the Hitler comparison: Avoid at all costs. Politically, Hitler may only be compared to Hitler, as does the phrase "the need nobody" practical only for themselves: the nobody really needs.
Explain something in this way is pointless, strictly speaking, rule out that someone at some point it has any benefit. This is almost as arrogant as one week to appoint a month and a comet after himself, but still allow themselves professional opinion holders repeatedly carried the verdict "absurd", the classic example against new network platforms.
By 2009, about the products accumulated over the pointlessness of Twitter - to the platform during the uprising in Iran seemed to play an important role. However, what Johannes B. Kerner also prevented then it is not to describe after a 30-second self-test Twitter as "nonsense" and add: "Nobody needs".
Television opinions expire naturally after a few days, which is emphasized in this case by the deletion of the video on YouTube again. But still good for the short episode as an example - because the editors of a few months later, Kerner opened his own Twitter account, which she uses to this day intensive. Even if malicious critics may see this does not contradict the statement "nonsense" that "no one needs".
A large part of my annoying humanity has apparently considered all times to their own criteria of necessity rather than only correct and it closed on connoisseur of all others: no one needs. The Swabian priest and historian Friedrich August Koehler wrote in 1790 that the newly introduced between Stuttgart and Ulm signposts have been destroyed by the indigenous population often. The reason he gave, the signs that the country people as "unnecessary things" looked - after all, they knew the route.
Can hardly be much clearer that the verdict of futility has only limited time, space and close personal inventory, if at all. The sheer banality of this statement, however, leads directly to the conclusion: Perceived futility is good.
The Western world is built on things that are at some point by many, even knowledgeable persons have been designated as meaningless nonsense: the car radio, the computer anyway. Historically, therefore, the assertion "that no one needs to" be a sign of technological progress. Because if you clean this set of malice and subjectivity, often remains the confirmation to follow, at least not too obvious or well-trodden paths.
From a scientific perspective, the hasty verdict of meaninglessness an interesting counterpart: The term refers to the tendency of the brain pareidolia, also in random, totally senseless pattern structures, a meaning that is to recognize.
A useful feature when watching clouds, or the Rorschach test in the reconstruction of conspiracy theories. The evolutionary benefits of this property is very close. If in doubt, it was healthier in the stone age, hold a scurrying shadow to five times mistaken for a saber tooth tiger as a predator to detect even too late.
In the direct confrontation with new technologies but seems to have evolved a kind Antipareidolie: any existing sense, do not want to know then, when hundreds of thousands of witnesses claim the opposite. The whole, self-revealing the arrogance dictum "pointless - no one needs" is therefore also reflected in the generalization, the scale of the rest of the world impose their own requirements. The wise Socrates, with his exclamation of course, avoid this trap a wide area. To his amazement at the many products he graduated (loosely translated) to the dictum: "The purple robe and the silver sheen - the actor's needs, I do not quite."
Antipareidolie: The popular network Comment "nobody needs" is stupid. Because futility is almost always situational and subjective.

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