Thursday, September 29, 2011

BVDW privacy advocates criticized stance to Facebook

BVDW privacy advocates criticized stance to Facebook

The Federal Association of Digital Economy (BVDW) calls the Independent Data Protection Centre (ULD) in Schleswig-Holstein, its fine to use threats against companies and government agencies, the Facebook services on their websites to take back. The ULD, in the opinion of the BVDW open issues and its privacy-rights critique first to clarify the usual formal way with the operator of the Social Network, said in a release of the BVDW. The privacy advocates have instead brought his blanket with the impression of a deputy press release debate ultimately political aims. This does not correspond to the order of a regulatory authority.

The association finds it objectionable, konfrontrieren to the website operator, issued a press release with a fine penalty, especially since it had not previously been any dialogue with the digital economy. For smaller website operators is the risk of a penalty method, an existential and not because of legal uncertainty in estimating the threat, so they would remain for no other way to remove a Facebook plug-ins. So they "de-coupled from a now internationally popular communication and marketing tool" would.

The ULD was threatened with fines of up to 50,000 euros if the web site operator can not disable the "Facebook-range analysis." The BVDW is not alone with his criticism of it. Recently, the ULD was during a debate in parliament in Kiel rebuke from different parties. Prime Minister Peter Harry Carstensen (CDU) said that threats were counterproductive and legally questionable. The Greens were against an "island solution" and the FDP demanded a "certain calmness" in dealing with the Internet and Facebook and other social networks.

[Update: In the dispute, it will leave the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Schleswig-Holstein necessary to arrive at a test case. The Chamber will use Facebook and other networks continue to communicate with their members and pit them against the ULD ultimatum, said the legal expert of the Chamber of Commerce, Marcus Schween, on Wednesday in Lübeck. "We take privacy very seriously, but here he is to be made on the shoulders of the Schleswig-Holstein company."]

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