Storage 1

When good
lies so close
Storage networks in LAN
In data centers to Fibre Channel for the networking of servers and storage farms has long been established. But as you progress, the decoupling of the mass memory of each server and its shift into the net in the middle and smaller environments, the more urgent is the
the question of an easily manageable and the admins known connection technology: Ethernet. But no matter how easily can the storage systems are not integrated into the LAN.

T he development of transmission technologies for data storage is anything but a straight run.The result should be known: instead of one has several to choose from, from which the underlying interest groups argue their respective imagine the ultimate dar. As can be no question of a uniform, universally applicable standard, and the number of acronyms and special features of storage protocols
presents challenges even for specialists. The following is a small attempt of rectification term and the historical background. Even from the very beginning, computers and mass storage devices were separate. Initially dominated the field dedicated connections. Via modem or network connections were built to be walked over leased or dedicated lines. The latter was expensive, the special connection was costly and often did not work really. Larger distances could be bridged while, but without the transparent access to remote storage devices. There was always a computer Rechnerzu coupling: One
signed up on a remote server on which you access on subsequent memory. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) functions still true today. At the local level storage drives directly into PCs, workstations or servers were built in or via an external enclosure connected with them. For servers, use was generally parallel SCSIVerbindungen - now called the Direct Attached Storage (DAS). With the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) there is usually a simple plate bundle or JBODs (Just a Bunch of Disks) connected to a server and accessed the disks individually.Only later came RAID Controllers (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) in use.They often overlook that SCSI is an acronym or an abbreviation that stands for two things: One is a language, respectively, a protocol to communicate with the two devices, the other level concerns the underlying transport layer, including cable and signal definition. At the beginning of the storage devices connected directly via SCSI cables with parallel wires were connected to the server using the SCSI protocol defined as a common medium of speech commands and data packets. SCSI "speak" most systems today, however, set up as a shift to other transport protocols such as Fibre Channel (FC), TCP / IP in the form of iSCSI (Internet SCSI) or over InfiniBand, which with iSER (iSCSI Extensions for RDMA), an iSCSI interface features.

SCSI - dead and
still alive
The SCSI dominance is sichnach view of Christian Bandulet, principal engineer at Sun, for the foreseeable
Time does not change: In addition to the - restricted - ATA SCSI command set of the PCs is something akin to the optimum for the
Communication in the storage area. But over the transport routes - especially the long haul - opinions are divided: whether, in future versions of the Ethernet iSCSI or Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) will be, or at
Infiniband. A backing layer is expected in the coming years, so Bandulet gain the upper hand - but the language
SCSI - now in version 3 - will remain.As SCSI bus failed in what constituted him then: his parallel lines.They brought in duration but high latency and packet losses. Triggered by an appropriate protocol from the receiver to the sender of the packages had to send it again. The basic dilemma of parallel buses could be on the different versions of SCSI only temporarily
fix: parallel bits are sent over multiple channels at the receiver despite not like long lines at the same time, but delayed. These run-time differences (skew) cause the receiver requires a time window in which he can collect all the bits of a program (latency). This must not fall below the station with its transmission cycle, otherwise the receiver again and again must decide whether the bit that it has received on a specific line to this, the preceding or following one byte.

The end
a legend
With the increase of the clock is more intense distortion. The only way that one can oppose the is
reducing the distance. With Ultra640 SCSI bag of tricks was empty then: The developers did not succeed, the
To keep interference within the tolerance range - Ultra640 SCSI has never left the laboratory. The second reason why
parallel SCSI is almost extinct, is in his character of bus architecture. Similar to the early days of Ethernet was initially also the principle that only one participant was able to send on the bus (half duplex). The other sites were blocked. This limitation is no longer in a serial architecture, as there are point-to-point links: the participants have their own channels and thus can not block each other. From the perspective of Axel Koester, storage technologist at IBM ended the SCSI development at the transport layer in a paradox: With every technological improvement in latency and timing were the cables and the ever-widening distance between server and storage device shorter. 8 could only be attached later up to 16 devices at the beginning, compared to Fibre Channel SCSI node with its millions of potential here fell behind. In addition, technical difficulties arose with the plugs or the correct rectangular seat (Krimmung), which also led to distortions in the arrival of the data. With the swansong of the parallel SCSI cabling began to conquer the serial data transfer (Firewire, Fibre Channel, iSCSI, SAS (Serial Attached SCSI)), while retaining the SCSI protocol language was stopped and improved. Ethernet has become not only independent of the first attempts to connect storage devices to servers, but explicitly served another purpose: the exchange of messages over long distances. The main difference to the transport of storage data is that in principle one Ethernet protocol and a transport route is to exchange messages between hosts. First Ethernet was designed as a bus on which communication line kicks all participants in a section about the dominance of the.

Ethernet -
Communication only
Methods such as CSMA / CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection) should provide a regulated flow of communication. The bus structure is now replaced by a star or mesh form. At least since gigabit
Ethernet (GE) have also used there, the soft switches, hubs, to which manufacture exclusively dedicated communication paths between two communication partners and also serve as temporary storage for data packets. Generally, Ethernet is a transport protocol and is defined as critical only about
which layer to the next level down, Koester said of IBM. Historically, there were initially different proprietary approaches, including Xerox, Novell, or digital Equipment.Through the ARPANET (Advanced Research
Project Agency Network was), the Network Control Protocol (NCP established). Only when the ARPANET increasingly
became more complex and extended over state, Phone and satellite lines, including their gateways, shared the developers NCP into two layers: the Internet Protocol (IP) for reliable addressing of communication partners and the robust TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) to maintain communication sessions over several different networks. TCP / IP is divided into a layer that contains the IPAdressierung other hosts, and the overlying load stops (Transmission Control). TCP also maintains the sessions for the overlying application protocols such as CIFS (Common Internet File System), NFS (Network File
System), HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol) or SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) upright. Besides Etherne there was initially built star-shaped networks such StarLAN NCR / AT & T or Token Ring, developed by IBM and used in their own networks. While walking around the packages in a logical circle, attached to a kind
Baton, the token. Worked in the same way the bus-type or ARCNET token bus from DEC, on which the token runs back and forth, thus forming a logical ring. With their deterministic response times and guaranteed throughput methods were much faster and more stable than the common long-term, working with coaxial cable or Ethernet 10Base2 Cheapernet. They lost this advantage, not least because of their proprietary nature to the 100 Mbit / s fast and still widely used in desktops 100BaseT. For Bandulet Ethernet has prevailed over its competitors because it had some technical advantages, but in the end mainly because certain quantities and production effects have been decisive. This is reminiscent of other examples from the industry, showing how big can the influence of market factors beyond the maturity of a product - see the victory of VHS over Betamax in the video tape or Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD in the DVD successors. Bandulet believes that customers would ultimately have the intrinsic desire to simplify things, so do not go to different systems, but
Things together, and that they rely on market trends and market leader. Sun probably have won even when Ethernet is the de facto standard on other, perhaps better solutions.

From Mainframezum
Fibre Channel
Mario Vosschmidt, Technical Consultant at LSI, it is obvious that it is an evolution of Fibre Channel data channel (data channel) is from the mainframe area. Disk subsystems hung on the mainframe data channel, which was the control channel (Escon and Ficon later), detached, not unlike the SCSI connection on smaller computers. Is in the development of Fibre Channel, so Vosschmidt, there was the same motivation: to no longer of use make use of standard Ethernet network connections depends.High latency and should be excluded for low performance for the transport of storage data. Manufacturers such as EMC, IBM and Emulex have led to the development of FC and eventually created a kind of mixture of mainframe data channel and Token Ring features such as Class of Service. The aim was to create deterministic connections as they needed urgent time-critical applications. After all, no slow user sitting in front of their workstations, which do not even notice when the Ethernet cables to the data traffic for a couple of milliseconds comes to a halt. FC SCSI is similar to a number of levels: the protocol layers and even the definition of the physical transport media - including cable and connector. Among the design goals of FC, which was originally planned as a backbone technology for connecting LANs that included the serial transmission of high speed and long distances, a low transmission error rate, a slight delay (latency) of data transmitted and the implementation of the FC protocol in hardware on host bus adapter cards (HBAs) to offload the server CPU.

Data transport
The Fibre Channel achieved by its compact structure and mechanisms by which Ethernet is far stranger:
Certain classes of service guarantee for individual sessions a proportionate rate; chaining (chaining) of frames to sequences and on sequences Exchanges builds a kind of freight traffic (an engine with many cars) to enter buffer to buffer credits and end to end credits provide a instantaneous flow control
(Flow Control), ie, transmitter, receiver and switch ports only vote their capabilities (speed and size of the buffer to be provided) and agree on a starting rate. Fibre Channel storage networks today are often equated with the so-called Storage Area Networks (SANs). This is true only conditionally, because a SAN may be based on other transmission technologies such as iSCSI or FCoE. FC also had to fight for a while with a competing approach. IBM set about on their own Serial Storage Architecture (SSA). She had a physical and a logical bus double-ring topology, similar to the token bus. Were there any interruptions in the data stream, the tokens in the other direction opposite circular was sent back. SSA was not like a parallel SCSI with special cables and custom protocol, but the SCSI command set used. It is considered a forerunner of FC, but with the Fibre Channel arbitrated loop topology also sent a ring into the race, which took place in the early days especially popular in smaller installations. The third man serial SCSI versions of the first generation the way, Firewire (IEEE1394) was. SAN islands to several continents over WAN (Wide Area Network) to connect to each other, there are two ways: First, can the islands on their own or rented Dark   Fibre cables send, secondly use the existing global IP network.For the latter already exist for a while at least two implementations of IP Storage: FCIP (Fibre Channel over IP) and iFCP (Internet Fibre Channel Protocol). Both wrap FC-Trafik in TCP / IP packets, the former is based on an IP tunnel between two points, the latter makes itself as a hybrid routing protocol, the IP capabilities of its own.

iSCSI - Ethernet
conquered the SAN
iSCSI (the "i" stands for Internet, but should actually be "e" for its Ethernet) is a direct competitor to
FC. Some manufacturers said, since users already have their own LAN, they do not have a second, expensive
Network with its own hardware to operate in parallel. As data to SCSI protocol, but wanted to hold you. From this
Premise is born out of thought, SCSI commands, instead of sending a separate FC-net, to encapsulate in TCP / IP packets and can thus be transported over the existing infrastructure of the company. FC eliminated as an intermediate layer. Nor must it be forgotten that serial SCSIVarianten if need be measured over the network or connected directly to the final parallel SCSI version: the 320 MB / s correspond to a net throughput - without overhead of the underlying protocols - from 3.2 Gbit / s over serial lines (using 8B/10B encoding). The serial SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) has just started including 3 Gb per second per channel (12 Gbit / s for the four-channel external connections and 6 Gb / s SAS 2.0), iSCSI requires at least separate gigabit lines - Many experts consider iSCSI to be a 10-Gigabit Ethernet (10GE) as to be taking seriously. The initial difficulty also stems from iSCSI, TCP / IP is not designed for the block-based transfer of bulk data, but designed for the transmission of messages over long distances and uncertain, and alternative routes is. But the connection-oriented TCP, which requires the recipient to confirm each individual package, provides an unsightly for the SCSI data traffic latency. The long header of each protocol - Ethernet, IP, TCP - cause a large overhead that the
Net data throughput decreases. SCSI, however, is no communication or messaging protocol, but a command protocol, the mass data in one direction sends or from there outdated as possible after the freight train Principle: It uses a command generator or initiator on the SCSI host - usually the controlled by the operating system onboard or offboard controller - on the one hand, and the command receivers or targets - the end devices such as hard disks, CD and tape drives, printers, or media changer - on the other side.

Packet packing
is (computational) work
In addition, the large overhead provides elsewhere for headaches, namely before the cable, ie on the server side: The dismantling of the SCSI data stream into small pieces and packing into TCP segments, IP packets and Ethernet frames is not without raking vonstatten. Right at the beginning of iSCSI is offered several times "SCSIEngines" or iSCSI initiators for the servers - which are for the iSCSI storage systems to clients. Adaptec and Qlogic iSCSI HBAs had quickly for servers in the program, the iSCSI initiator and the "Pack-engine" in the form of firmware and processor are "on board". Cisco and Microsoft, meanwhile, jumped on the proliferation of freely available software initiators for Windows and Linux, which make do with a normal network card - which earned it the reputation of the iSCSI storage network of low cost. While Cisco is fairly quick project to the open source community, ceding (Open iSCSI), put another operating system makers, under
them HP (OpenVMS, Tru64), IBM (AIX), Novell (Netware) and Sun (Solaris), after. Today bring all server operating systems with a software iSCSIInitiator. The catch: work that one lets the operating system is, ultimately depend on the host CPU. For servers that will primarily do one thing: SQL, HTTP / HTTPSund
handle similar client orders or e-mail traffic, which is an unfortunate side effect. If in doubt they would even be dimensioned to trap the new peak demand - especially when 10GE is coming up.
One could conclude that poured in hardware iSCSI initiators, the better, because there are higher performance, but more expensive alternative. But iSCSI benchmarks have quickly shown that the underpowered built on them in
Processors (ARM, Motorola) to underutilized servers with the software versions do not even begin to
could keep up. Correspondingly, no 10 Gb / s fast iSCSIHBAs in sight. In addition, let the interoperability - to be desired, joined by unstable compounds - particularly between the software initiators and targets. The standards were in place, but still very open to interpretation. All of the iSCSI initially gave a niche. The only bright spot is currently called TCP/IP-Offload- engines that are available in 1-GBitund 10-Gbit versions.They relieve the host CPU, at least from the lower part of the protocol stack.
Enforced as a serious iSCSI storage networking technology has been in smaller environments where high availability as irrelevant or databases do not define their own requirements. Have certainly contributed to the success of the software initiator from Microsoft and The acquisition of specialized iSCSI RAID systems startups EqualLogic by Dell, was another little milestone
: 1.5 billion dollars for a relatively unknown company and the change in strategy of a manufacturer who had previously excelled in Assemblierungsgeschäft, towards our own technology in the storage environment, refer at least that can be now relevant sales reach with a former niche service.

And more
Work for the admin
The ever-cherished advantage of existing, inexpensive and well-known IP networks has become but leveled at many places: iSCSI brings first own services - such as iSNS (Internet Simple Name Service) - with and its own naming scheme that is in terms of administration training like made-up bill TCP / IP, iSCSI + SCSI = ad absurdum.Second, it makes demands on the infrastructure that they do not just design inexpensive, about separate lines and switches, and jumbo frames (large packets) dominate both the network interface cards or NICs (network interface cards) and the switches must - so good " fall unmanaged "switches from the short list. Thirdly, the mixing of two fundamentally different networks like the Internet, which extends from the PC (employees) to the servers (service providers), and the SAN, which draws from the servers (employees) to the storage subsystem (service provider) to additional requirements. Basically require different services, such as iSCSI, VoIP, SQL or HTTP different Quality of Service (QoS), which partly contradict each other. To do it justice, requires a thorough and thoughtful planning, LAN, SAN and storage management systems separates cleanly. In addition, the collection represents not only the Admins, but crackers as well as well-known LAN protocols, with all its loopholes and weaknesses in the SAN admins before the all-new challenges in terms of safety [7].
Also plan to clean and to implement the backup and recovery paths.

Costs fall
with good camouflage
Especially the requirements to be by the benefits, and caused the same transmission technology for two different networks in the past have cost some users expensive: In the best case, they have recognized the work involved quickly and leave the restructuring and implementation of an external service . Less of insight have only got help from the outside, as the accumulation of bottlenecks and confusion abound participated. In terms of speed iSCSI advocates refer you to the roadmaps and the theoretical throughput. Fond of quoting: FC will increase according to the official road map in 2011, the performance at 16 Gbit / s. For 2011, however, one goes from the field in the Ethernet already 40 and 100 Gbit / s network. But even here the theory and practice gape widely in many respects. First, just the theoretical throughput of the non-deterministic Ethernet is treated with extreme caution. Information such as 40 or 100 Gbit / s read and remember the beautiful gigahertz or terabyte battles enthusiastic consumers. The situated speed records of iSCSI over 10GE ​​are a meager 4-8 Gbit / s, ie in
Range of FC installations. Second, such a blur Roadmap citations often the difference between installed base and market introduction of new products or technologies - mostly bananas hardware, the ripening leaves you the customer happy. Third, the congruent mental constructs of market and technology strategist with the rare actual market development. Actually has 10-Gigabit Ethernet - despite years of market maturity - not even in the corporate backbone enforced across the board, is on server boards are not 10GE found, and also the cost of 10GE components - whether NICs or switches - irritating not just a conversion. A look at the prices of 40-Gbit components, which are for providers and Internet backbone has been around for years, should help to further disillusionment. On the side of the Fibre Channel but it is not much better: its speed is the latest expansion for 8 Gb / s is slow and the prices also give no cause for celebration.The additional investment to make iSCSI less favorable than it appeared initially. And in a move to 10GENetze is expected to further additional costs. Bandulet even sees the possibility that one could thus drive the price even further in iSCSI in the air and eventually even to lie about the FC.

FCoE - Ethernet
Newest darling of the industry, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) is. Their main argument of the through crisis turmoil only slightly slowed hype-makers that could carry with him respectively, the underlying advanced Ethernet is a consolidation of various data center networks, while retaining the proven FC protocol for the memory interface - Each server would then use a single Ethernet port from. However, not to overlook the fact that certain elements still missing, among them said Ethernet extensions. There, among other things to produce a single name and lacks standards: As a Data Center Bridging (DCB), it is the subject of IEEE standards, some manufacturers call their partly dissenting
Variants Converged Enhanced Ethernet (CEE) or Data Center Ethernet (DCE).

First CNAs (Converged Network Adapter), ie DCB / Ethernet Fibre Channel HBAs with built-tunneling are
now available. Thus equipped server may choose not to but separate FC tickets, but require the
other end of the wire - or the fiber - also DCB-capable switches. The first of the DCB / FCoE switches also have pure FC ports, which are the classical approaches to the SAN. The firmware of the FC-packed packages of the DCB / Ethernet frames and sends them through the FC network. In addition, there are first controller chips for disk arrays with FCoE support in development. Them equipped with storage systems no longer hang in a pure FC-SAN, but directly in the DCB-LAN and decompress the received packets over the Internet itself: first the ethernet and then the FC packages.

And Ethernet
must adapt to
So far the plan. What the developers still are not in control, the necessary improvements
respectively extensions of the Ethernet standard itself Which in turn are subject to the territorial definition of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), whose task is to standardize the extensions and making the whole package around. For example, the Ethernet as a transport protocol has currently no mechanism to guarantee a minimum throughput. That should change the in-process Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS or IEEE 802.1Qaz). She assigns the data streams of different priority groups and ensuring them a configurable minimum throughput. Ethernet also has no suitable flow control
Mechanisms. For Fibre Channel, the sender can start only when the recipient him on the above-mentioned buffer to buffer credits, respectively, end to end credits has signaled that it has enough capacity to receive and process the frames or sequences.In the Ethernet transmitter sends something going on constantly flooded and so the receiver port. This is the so-called packet-dropping result: The receiver shall notify by PAUSE signal that he could no longer have any resources - and drops the packets simply, that is, he throws it away. The transmitter must be set up to send the revocation. The overlying TCP wakes with his acknowledgment mechanism
the fact that all packets arrive really. This allowed the Ethernet standard pause, throwing away and resending of packets in communication networks basically works very well. But already in the SCSI communication - such as the iSCSI - can lead to nasty side effects, is unacceptable to the Fibre Channel traffic. Because FCoE is just the oversized Prokollstack the FCIP (Ethernet - IP - TCP - FC - SCSI) and reduce FC put in place of TCP / IP. However, since the lower layers of the FC packet dropping was never allowed to the upper layers have never needed a connection-oriented session layer à la TCP. Moreover, contrary to the packet dropping of throughput guarantee. New mechanisms such as the Priority-based Flow Control
(PFC or IEEE 802.1Qbb) and congestion notification (CN or IEEE 802.1Qau) should be at least the worst
Prevent impacts. Also an extension to be subjected to the Link Layer Discovery Protocol
(LLDP and IEEE 802.1AB2005) and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP or IEEE 802.1Q-2003), which is currently in
the standardization bodies happened. Therefore, one speaks in this context is not more of the Ethernet,
so far as it knows, but from the Data Center Bridging or Data Center Ethernet and Converged Enhanced Ethernet.

Changing of the guard
Bandulet is of the opinion that it would be wrong to speak of defects in the Fibre Channel, which would now lead to detachment of FCoE. Actually, the FC had no significant defects, only the transport
no longer state of the art was mainly affects the speed: At the moment most customers go
4-Gb FC, some are planning to move to 8 Gbit / s - which surely takes one to two years before coverage
is completed, and 16-Gb FC is still in its horizon. That does not mean extinct FC networks, but
that - simply put - only changes the wiring. The interesting thing about FCoE is: In the past behind the DCB / FCoE switches, FC-SAN will change the view of the administration, handling, and the tools for now, nothing. Remain mechanisms such as zoning or LUN masking and mapping exist. For the DCB raises enough questions: For example, are unclear about the responsibilities of network and storage administrators, as well of support and monitoring. The topic of security is again on the agenda.

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