Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jelastic brings Java apps without adjustment in the Cloud

Jelastic brings Java apps without adjustment in the Cloud

Hivext Technologies has released its cloud platform Jelastic in a first beta version. Jelastic to allow the deployment of Java applications in the cloud - without obligation to continue to be adjusted.

The technology behind Jelastic will be provided end users do not have Hivext Technologies itself, but only via a hosted service provider. The company promises that the Java applications, this should not be adjusted - with this would be the complete cloud platform compatibility and their distribution between different vendors, different from the proprietary Jelastic cloud services Amazon or Google.

Jelastic be installed without major effort quickly. Providers choose a suitable software stack - to choose NGINX stand as a load balancer, the JDK 6 or 7 as the software platform, Jetty 6 and Tomcat 6 or 7 or GlassFish 3 as an application server and the MongoDB and CouchDB as NoSQL database and / or MariaDB the SQL databases, MySQL or PostgreSQL. Jelastic itself would install and configure the connection itself.

Hivext Technologies for North America has been able to win ServInt as hosting partner in Europe could be addressed via Jelastic Host Europe. In the long term will attract more partners Hivext Technologies for its platform.