Monday, October 10, 2011

Study: 90 percent of German web users have reservations against Facebook

Study: 90 percent of German web users have reservations against Facebook

Nine out of ten Internet users in Germany to deal with Facebook to keep personal data for concern. This emerges from a representative survey of pollsters TNS Emnid on behalf of the communications agency Ketchum Pleon. More than one in four respondents claimed to use Facebook yet. Facebook claims to have 20 million users in Germany. For only six percent of respondents to protect their privacy on the Internet is of no interest or concern. 80 percent said they do not release your own photos for all to access the net. Twelve percent have the "with reservations" but only eight percent have done and set photos safely accessible. Restricted for friends and acquaintances, but has already made one out of two separate photographs.

"The current debate over the use of data to users of social networks has been sensitive," said Dirk Popp, CEO of Ketchum Pleon in Düsseldorf, Germany. However, many also applies to: Close your eyes and through. Because only 14 percent of the respondents for data protection reasons the online shopping from the road. The less than half claimed to have given up their data for shopping on the net, despite their misgivings. For the 1000 federal civil trial were aged 14 years and interviewed selected representative. The survey was conducted of 30 September to 1 October. Ketchum Pleon created the study according to a spokesman for the support of customers in the development of social media strategies.

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