Open Access in particle physics in the home stretch
Where today many academic libraries still pay high subscription fees to secure the university and institute staff access to the publications of professional colleagues, the tips of the researchers could soon be free on the Internet accessible to everyone - at least in particle physics. Here, turn the proposed five years ago, CERN initiative of a "Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics" (SCOAP3) now on the finishing straight.
CERN has now the expected requirements for open access published services, which will serve as the basis of the tender procedure. Until 19 October can now publisher of peer-reviewed journals binding expression of interest and the invitation to tender, the consortium wants to send even more this year. In the coming year, the contracts signed and sealed are placed so that the first Can start in January 2013 the new era of scientific publication system in high energy physics.
SCOAP3 is a global network of funding agencies, research institutes and libraries, the redesignation date for subscriptions to electronic journals in the field of high-energy physics funds raised and place into a common fund from which the scientific publishers in the future, the per technical paper from 1000 to 2000 U.S. dollar global publishing costs obtained directly.
After the Japanese High Energy Research Centre CEC, the national computer science institute NII and the network of Japanese university libraries (CCJUL) together SCOAP3 joined the initiative can now count on the support of partners in 28 countries, now have 80.5 percent of the required annual 10 million € for the publications of the particle physicists are committed.
In this Open Access model, the publication costs not by authors themselves are applied, the researchers also remain free to choose the journal in which they publish their results will, but if the publisher is the magazine party of SCOAP3 are his achievements paid by the consortium.
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