Saturday, September 24, 2011

f8 Conference: Facebook is the life-log

f8 Conference: Facebook is the life-log

In addition to the changes in the processing of information, which make
up the profile page, a Time Line, Facebook has unveiled at its developer
conference, f8, technical and substantive innovations. It cooperates
with the social network music service Spotify as , Soundcloud and
others. Similar to the "scrobbling" from post the music app, the
title belonged to the profile, friends can click and hear it after
installing the app itself. Local Facebook users are likely to further
notice, however, have nothing of it, because the Facebook partners to
transfer their music streams, not to Germany.

Installing the Facebook app Spotify
The new open-Graph-apps make it even easier to let others have their own
Image: Facebook The largely automated posting of activities without
clicking on a like-or share-button has a method: The last year presented
Open Graph protocol that links via the Like-button web content with
Facebook profiles, will in future clearly do more to get . For example,
may be a Nike mitloggen application in the mobile device, the jogging
trails, while some of the prescription service Foodily passes per
button, which recipe of Facebook users just cooks. Other services that
Facebook co-operates, are the Netflix video rental, news sites like
Yahoo News or the Wall Street Journal , the provider Zynga games and
many others.

According to Facebook, the integration of new open very simple graph .
First Open-Graph-apps are already available as a taster, with the
general launch Facebook wants to wait until all users are switched to
the timeline layout.

Facebook in this way the user connects with things in the real world
through defined actions, which provide easy-to-use apps. The service
could become a comprehensive life-log, including the new timeline design
contributes. First reactions were still not entirely positive. Make that
it is the new apps the user very easy to publish private details (or do
this right automatically) would give the notorious distrust of privacy
advocates against Facebook new food - even in this respect, much more
liberal USA: Netflix should there his new App does not offer, because a
Video Privacy Protection Act the release of video playlists prohibited.
However, the service is fighting for the abolition of this law .

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