Debate about anonymity and pseudonyms in the network continues
The support of Google, widely prescribed for the recently opened his own real name and social network off pseudonymous profiles excited resentment and further intensified the debate over anonymity on the Internet too. At the annual congress of the Association for the Advancement of search engine technology and the free access to knowledge SuMa rebuked by Christian Heller himself a representative of the "Post Privacy Spackeria" the default for Google + users as undue paternalism. "I want to get in the communications room of Google no rules," the proponent of the thesis "Prima live without privacy." Everyone should be free to the net "with nickname" act.
Heller complained that spread next to the state with its exaggerated privacy policies of other powers such as Google or Facebook. It was therefore important to work on decentralization and to oppose standardization attempts of both sides.
Dissatisfied with the response of search engines place on Hirsch's an open letter from the Internet community with the requirement to allow pseudonyms + Google showed the Internet entrepreneur Christoph Kappes. The group had initially reacted quickly and announced a reply, but this is far failed. Instead, to demand an interview offer had come in which the petitioner, but should probably only be reiterated Google's position, with the provision that prevents spam and conversation levels to be increased. "I begin to consider whether a test case can be made," said Kappes. In general, the expert working group in power politics of the CDU protection zones deems necessary. Anonymity and pseudonymity are the continuation of privacy from the carbon world. At the same time, however, would be "movement traces in the digital space as well given" acceptable.
Konstantin von Notz, network spokesman for the Greens in the Bundestag lamented a "sinister alliance between Google and the interior minister" in the quest to limit the anonymity of the net. The private and the intimate sphere are the basis for a life in human dignity. The legislature must therefore protect it with a proper legal framework, civil rights, including the right to privacy belongs. For instance, if a user searches on the net looking for symptoms, go nobody's business. The opposition leader also reminded of the requirement in the Telemedia Act (TMG), which would provide equivalent service provider opportunities for anonymity and pseudonyms.
The legal situation is not entirely clear, however, from Münster, media lawyers said Pascal Schumacher. In addition to the relevant paragraphs in the TMG there is still some offsetting legal obligations for general information requirements for media services on the network. In his view, a lot of talk that a profile is subject to a social network that condition. Among experts, this view is controversial, since an appearance on social networks, even for a closed user group can be opened. On the other hand, Schumacher admitted that in the analog world, anonymously published books or letters give.
Is that the "problem of the real names" only come up with Google + so strong, Linus Neumann said of the digital society, with the thesis that "all the Twitterers" long shunned services like Facebook, Google would have but stormed +. When you delete pseudonymous accounts the great disillusionment had occurred. Principal concern in his view, have privacy advocates and representatives of post-privacy-together with the power to get those "who have all the data."
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