The online bookmaker Bwin has given tens of thousands of customer data
to a data broker continues. How the West German Allgemeine Zeitung
reported, has the Swiss direct address dealers Hermes, the addresses of
customers Bwin Mietnutzung for different enterprises. These are data
from envelopes, has acquired direct from the Hermes Bwin.
The betting provider confirmed the newspaper the incident was, however,
at having been deceived themselves. Accordingly, should a Hermes staff
have spent as a stamp collector. So he had worried at Bwin clever
customer letters. To the number of the transferred client data was not
available Bwin, WAZ reported, citing internal documents of 110,000
addresses provided.
Jurgen Wolff, managing director of Hermes Direct, disagreed with heise
online, the presentation of Bwin. The company knew exactly what it is in
the business going - "Greed eats brains", according to Wolff is the
credo for such transactions. Bwin have direct Hermes "200 to 300
kilograms envelopes" picked up, however, were not all been provided with
a return address. On the side there are 52 000 Hermes-address data from
German Bwin customers willing to rent - provided the data source
mailings to these customers are completely compatible with the Swiss
data protection law, says Wolff. A Bwin spokesman for H was previously
not available for comment on the subject.
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