About Fast neutrinos: review in four to six months
The U.S. Fermilab hope to confirm the CERN reported superluminal speed of neutrinos in four to six months or as measurement error could expose. The Jenny Thomas, a professor of particle physics at University College London in an e-mail to TPM's Idea Lab confirmed. Thomas is the spokesperson for the MINOS experiment, which came up in principle already in 2007 with similar results. However, these reported results on larger inaccuracies so that no one faster than light could be detected with sufficient significance.
Now the scientists want to calibrate with newer methods of measuring the different times and then later carefully re-charge the old data with greater accuracy - otherwise the ambitious time frame of only six months does not create well. But they also want the MINOS measurements with a variety of improvements and repeat ten times more data to determine, among other things.
MINOS at the Tevatron accelerator-generated neutrinos, as happens to also send a 732 km long journey (and often beyond) to the Soudan mine in Minnesota. In some years, then to the planned linear accelerator "Project X" in the Large Base Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) its neutrinos send to 1000 km away from Sanford-underground laboratories in South Datoka.
Many researchers at Fermilab is possibly the shutdown of the Tevatron accelerator large even contradictory, on 30 September by 2 clock time in its last proton channel from the disposal of graphite, aluminum and steel is sent last. They look forward to the "gutting" of the Tevatron, with all its equipment in which some 6.3 km long tunnel, some of which can be used for other experiments. Others will surely slip away after 28 years of successful operation of the accelerator, a tear or two, but the LHC is higher energy with respect to research just more powerful, and there are finally at the Fermilab LHC experiment CMS significantly large there. On location in Illinois want to switch from high-energy Femilabs otherwise at full intensity.
In particular, the neutrino research and the search for dark matter and energy will be intensified in the Fermilab. To be prepared for many new costly experiments, in addition to the LBNE including NOVA, which will measure the oscillation of muon neutrinos into electron neutrinos.
In addition, the research has come for new accelerators with superconducting and high-frequency technology, which is especially important for the planned linear proton accelerator "Project X" is intended to be operational at the site of the Tevatron in 2015 his company. From it, the scientists are far more intense neutrino, muon and kaon particle currents than previously possible.
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