Sunday, October 2, 2011

Publishers' associations Amazon Tablet welcome as a counterpoint to Apple iPad

Publishers' associations Amazon Tablet welcome as a counterpoint to Apple iPad

A "game changer" Fire is the Amazon, says Wolfgang Fürstner, Managing Director of the Association of German Magazine Publishers (VDZ) in the world, including the Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers (BDVZ) it would "of course very welcome." Both publishers' associations seen in the last week presented Tablet of the U.S. online retailer a way to escape the controversial business practices of Apple. Apple to demand high fees that put customer information and the buyer is not out pursuing censorship, so are the accusations.

It would be better for Android, according to reports the world since 2007 partly on the Kindle publishing magazines like Handelsblatt and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The co-run by now "very satisfactory", for example, publishers would get names and addresses of newspaper subscribers.

Interesting in this context is that the publishers' associations and publishers have begun with their jubilation over the iPad at a time when the Kindle already existed for several years. Even now there is next to the iPad platforms like Android, but is cross-platform offerings to only listen occasionally, and the number is on the Kindle and on Android Tablets represented German publications for years vanishingly small. However, Amazon offers a ready-made and internationally proven payment system with more payment options than Google, and Amazon's Fire is a colored tablet that is better suited for magazines and newspapers as the black-white Kindle; speaks against Android Tablets its very limited distribution in Germany. The German offer for the Kindle is for a promotional period from publishers open since April.

But that is where (in addition to the existing Kindle with English user guide) is initially only one of the four now introduced readers to Germany, namely the 99-euro Kindle. For the Fire Tablet Amazon has not confirmed whether it will ever be available outside the U.S.. In the U.S. it's on 15 November in the trade, perhaps Amazon will sell only a future successor internationally, with rumors WebOS.

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