Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apple unveils new iPhones in the evening before

Apple unveils new iPhones in the evening before
On Tuesday evening, most likely new iPhone models will be presented. The expectations are high. Around 15 months - longer than even the previous model - has taken the U.S. computer company time to complete its next smartphone. At an event in Cupertino, which is themed "Let's talk iPhone," will take place from 19 clock (EST) the announcement - according to press reports, it is the first major debut of Tim Cook as the new head of Apple.
About the new iPhone we know so far not much. After several months there has been speculation about a new drop-shaped housing, many pundits are now rumors of lower-changes and a design that resembles the current iPhone model-4. Law seems clear, however, that the interior was upgraded with a faster chip (as in A5 Apple iPad 2) and a better camera. Apple might begrudge its customers also a version with 64 gigabytes. Allegedly, as a special feature for the new device is also a "personal assistant" is planned, with which one can communicate via voice recognition, for example, to search the Internet or to find nearby restaurants. Speculation is also a cheap version of the iPhone as well as four new iPod (touch) models.
Interestingly, it is also on-site software: IOS release 5 with the next iPhone version is expected to be completed, although as yet there is no golden master version. The online storage service is designed to simplify the cumbersome icloud synchronize data. If we make such a photo with an iPhone, so it can also directly on the user's computer and turn up the iPad. The "iTunes Match" function allows to store the music collection within icloud.

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