Already gone: James Gosling leaves Google
James Gosling, considered the inventor of the Java programming language, has not even leave after six months, the Internet company Google again. He hires the small California-based Liquid Robotics as Chief Software Architect.
Represents the start-up Liquid Robotics unmanned, moving him into oceans away companion that collect oceanic data with different sensors and load data in near real-time as as a Service (DaaS) in a cloud can. The Wave Glider these devices use when cruising through the waters only the energy of the waves and about by researchers at the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration's National Data Buoy Center, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and the University of Hawaii used.
Gosling was joined Google in late March, without specifying the time may be exactly what his work with the group. Previously, he had taken a year off after he had in April 2010, Oracle turned its back. He was apparently dissatisfied with the conditions that had given him the database giant, after the company Sun Microsystems in January of that year, could take over for good.
The departure from Google seems conciliatory fail. Sun Gosling writes in his blog that he was surprised by themselves, so soon to leave Google. He met people at the intenet Group, contributed the Exceptional. When he meets Robotics Liquid Bill Vass, a Sun veteran who headed the start-up as Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
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