Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jelastic brings Java apps without adjustment in the Cloud

Jelastic brings Java apps without adjustment in the Cloud

Hivext Technologies has released its cloud platform Jelastic in a first beta version. Jelastic to allow the deployment of Java applications in the cloud - without obligation to continue to be adjusted.

The technology behind Jelastic will be provided end users do not have Hivext Technologies itself, but only via a hosted service provider. The company promises that the Java applications, this should not be adjusted - with this would be the complete cloud platform compatibility and their distribution between different vendors, different from the proprietary Jelastic cloud services Amazon or Google.

Jelastic be installed without major effort quickly. Providers choose a suitable software stack - to choose NGINX stand as a load balancer, the JDK 6 or 7 as the software platform, Jetty 6 and Tomcat 6 or 7 or GlassFish 3 as an application server and the MongoDB and CouchDB as NoSQL database and / or MariaDB the SQL databases, MySQL or PostgreSQL. Jelastic itself would install and configure the connection itself.

Hivext Technologies for North America has been able to win ServInt as hosting partner in Europe could be addressed via Jelastic Host Europe. In the long term will attract more partners Hivext Technologies for its platform.

Twitter gets rights to the word "Tweet"

Twitter gets rights to the word "Tweet"

The name "Tweet" for a message at the micro-blogging service Twitter has become the norm in everyday life - but the company was able to secure only the rights to the word now. The company was registered in the U.S. Twittad "Tweet" as a brand and has been sued by Twitter. Now the dispute has been settled: get the Twitter "tweet" rights and let fall the lawsuit, said CEO James Eliason Twittad the Wall Street Journal. Whether money has gone, he would not say. Twitter a spokeswoman confirmed the sheet only, that there is an agreement.

In Twittad Twitter users can earn some money so that they disseminate marketing messages. Twitter had closed the account of the company in dispute with the short message service. Twitter argued that the word "Tweet" was already popular before it was protected as a trademark of Twittad. The service already tried since 2009 to get the trademark. It's about Twitter claims to avert confusion for users or potential damage to their image.

If you read digital texts differently?

If you read digital texts differently?
Horst Mueller of Neuro Linguist predicts the end of the reading culture, but he gets tangled up in some inconsistencies
To the book fair can already celebrate the disappearance of book culture, even if no one knows how the development will continue. In 500 years, the neuro-linguist said Horst Mueller of the University of Bielefeld pretty carefully over the radio would be read Germany, only a few people who could most everyday and work without it, write something and read it. Instead, we'll talk to machines, if they give instructions that show in pictures, would like what to do: "The digital media," he predicted, "will disappear from the Scriptures." They would be replaced by more complex techniques.
The culture - and the market - the printed book is admittedly not much older than 500 years. The disappearance of the book would be perhaps even a return before the invention of printing, but on a whole new technological level, because communication has become even without printed text is no longer local, but global. During that time, however, the oral culture was superseded by the written culture, will now replace the electronic media, the print culture with their cognitive achievements. However, remember, so you have to, there was always the criticism that the literary culture of the people duly disciplined and forced new physical and mental skills have what is sometimes viewed not only as sublimation, but also as alienation.
Just being drudgery of writing and learning to read is torture, which does not take place solely at the cognitive level, as every child must learn early in his school career: starting from the correct holding a pen to the severity of fine motor skills to a legible, the standard meets produce writing, to the silent and solitary reading of long texts of letters columns merged, with which people withdraw from society. If the shapes of letters with the pen and maybe even a sporty aesthetic component, so looking at the letters desert looks like a sensory deprivation, which stimulates a hallucinatory compensation, like fantasy called.
Deserts in the text of literacy
Mueller also confirmed as that reading only once before the hearing is an abstract activity: When reading is lost among other things, the emphasis during the debate, the facial expression of the speaker and his gestures. These are all clues as to how a sentence is to understand the needs become apparent upon reading of letter strings only. However, speaking and listening is already quite a task multitasking while writing and reading is a much more monotonous work already. Is therefore possible by the members of literacy in the media multitasking environment so frightening?
The conversation with the neuro-linguist was all about how the digital reading differs from print reading, even if the interviewer and interviewee here often talked past each other. For Müller, the difference for older brains is like his insignificant if done for a long reading life. Then you could say undamaged "highly efficient media," So turn to digital. It was different at a young age but when you read books not only digital, but "even directly in the Web-based deals with texts". So if we were reading texts on paper, so the information is "impoverished," the text was a "barren desert lead." Since it had to be "open" until "it takes to read a book." But if they did so, then one could dedicate themselves to the whole: "Everything is colorful, which means action and dynamism, the brain develops," says neuro-linguist describes the advantages of abstract desert. On the other hand, was the site Colorful and Turbulent already exists. This would distracting information, such as the battery level or incoming emails. The exhausted then obviously the imagination, so the lack of perception, be compensated by self-generated images must.
The joy of haptics and the distraction of the colorful and dynamic
Asked whether the concentration would be an eBook is not just possible, says Mueller, ideally this should go, but it lacked the tactile information, the sound of the paper, what do you do with your fingers, etc. Then the reading experience is different. But this distinction between digital and printed text but is a little clever thing, because you can keep the eBook and operate entirely in the hands has, sounds can be customized according to preference. Actually was just a matter of habit, but then also a "multi-modal connectivity," which makes it more "fun", but also serves to save what they read better. However, even the sound of the leaves would be quite a change, one wonders, what distinguishes this from other distractions?
It is interesting that although Mueller speaks to the website with the colorful and dynamic, but one wonders what with picture books or illustrated books, is indeed already leaving the desert like the pure text and provide some distraction related?
As Muller points out, in experiments rather stark contrasts are constructed, which then of course the differences between digital and printed text over the top. Sun brain scans were made by people who read on a screen as a text in a book, and of those who read a text in an "animated web environment." As can be had from the outset, no difference between digital and printed texts read out, the it as such, at least for one eBook that hardly exist anymore. Texts do not even have websites with animated graphics surrounded, while books can be well not only text but also pictures and just, it is also very important to have that layout the pages. For in-depth reading not invite any organization.
Highly distributed brain activity
Mueller says, could determine when such test arrangements are that savvy Webleser had a "highly distributed brain activity", which shows that they combine many activities. It could be overcome so many tasks that would not be necessary to ensure the information conveyed by Scripture alone to take. Therefore, the resources could deduct from the reading process. However, readers must not only illustrated in books, but also in newspapers and magazines with a deliberate thwarting of the concentrated attention of readers expect if they ever even advertising is inserted.
Would also like reading the screen when socialized and trained more, but find instead a reduction of reading, the neuro-linguist eventually. Would no longer about manuals for printers or for complicated military equipment offered as texts but as a kind of comic. Of the younger man was "no longer able to read longer, more coherent texts - or want to read it." This might be an exaggeration, especially since so many people never go not only to universities, where they pass the reading and writing, but also just write on the Internet and read
However, the language has been simplified even before the Internet, which is called the radio audibility and what practicing mirror and Co. for a long time: If possible, no subordinate clauses more, and certainly not the complex and convoluted sentence structures as input during the Enlightenment or were commonplace. What an intellectual adventure it can be to track almost page-long, meandering sentences of Kant and Hegel and in the end to find the reference back to the beginning. And just as exciting as it may lead one to think about different aspects of time to a conclusion without obsessive need to reduce the complexity. It's quite possible that this desire will die out in the text, the desire for textual adventure writing and life.

Copyright: Court upholds Intranet clause for teachers

Copyright: Court upholds Intranet clause for teachers
The regional court in Stuttgart decided in dispute the so-called intranet clause in the Copyright Act, educational institutions that students up to 10 percent of a protected work may be made available online. This is consistent with the concerns of the legislature in Section 52  Copyright Act, under which teachers and scholars "small parts" to make works a "certain limited range of teaching students" to the public, may the words of a recently published opinion of the 17th Civil Chamber of the end of September (Az: 17 O 671/10). The possibility of a download as a PDF file is to prevent it though.
The normal exploitation of the object is affected by the intranet clause does not in itself, violates the legitimate interests of the owner is not improperly, the judge explained. Insofar as the Clause with international copyright agreements and the EU Copyright Directive was incompatible. An undue interference with the property rights of the recycler is not available. A training center should select for the online publication but a file format with "functioning protection mechanisms", which makes the storage of the scanned parts work on the computers the students impossible. Further details of such a format are not apparent from the decision.
In support, the Court, that the legislator's aim was merely to allow a use that is in the analog space comparable. A download to a computer but put a "simpler and higher quality reproduction", since the stored extracts could be something like "transferred directly into your own word processor." Printing of the materials provided, however, is permitted. This corresponds to the way the plant parts after sending to copy traditional.
In the case of Alfred Kröner Verlag had sued the University of Hagen due to an extensive publication of a copyrighted work sold by him in the higher education system. The Stuttgart complained that the university students 91 of its 476 pages of text from the text book "Milestones in psychology" without charge on its intranet available electronically presented. They wanted to assert that the university could offer only three pages from the factory.
This very strict interpretation of the clause Intranet rejected the district court. According to him, allowed 48 pages in electronic form (without the possibility of recording), and three pages to download are made publicly available to students. The university said in the chamber to spread beyond the plant parts. Moreover, they condemned the university to pay an even closer quantified damages and reimbursement for a three-quarter of the cost of litigation and other extrajudicial costs for failure to sign a cease and desist from publishing required.
The plaintiff intends, according to the Association of German Book Trade to assist him in the fall, to go against the decision in the appeal. The reason given is that the prohibition by the court was not extensive enough. Karl-Peter Winters, president of the Publishers and Booksellers Association in the Committee showed Although generally pleased that the court "the excesses of the University of Hagen has put a stop". Only one free replacement phasing out of Section 52a of the copyright law but could "secure the education of German students with the latest and best teaching materials". One reason for the plea, the publisher was that the payment was actually foreseen failed factory-related payments to the refusal of the federal and state universities to understand the uses taking place.

Contaminated Air Force computer

Contaminated Air Force computer
U.S. drone arm fighting with viruses

An embarrassing mishap, it is in any case, but how big is the risk? At
the U.S. air force base Creech apparently several computers are infected
by a virus that logs all keystrokes, among other things. With these
computers, U.S. drones are remotely controlled.

Washington - "Nobody is panicking - yet." With these words, quoting the
magazine "Wired" an unnamed source from the U.S. Air Force. In the
"Wired" Danger Room blog is about the reason for the concern reported: A
computer virus had infected the computers are controlled from which U.S.
combat drones. The remote-controlled light aircraft is currently the
preferred weapon in the fight against insurgents in Iraq, Afghanistan
and Yemen. Even the al-Qaida terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki was probably
killed in Yemen by a drone attack.

Controlled many of the drones, named "Predator" and "Reaper" from the
Creech Air Force Base in Nevada. There has obviously now a virus
implanted that logs all keystrokes on the respective computers. The
"Wired" report, Creech currently being sought in vain to get rid of the
intruder again. "We delete it again and again, and he always comes
back," the magazine quotes an unnamed source. They assume that the virus
is "benign", but ". We just do not know exactly"

Even compared to the Reuters news agency confirmed the existence of
another unnamed source of the virus on Air Force computers: "There is
something going on, but this has on missions overseas no influence," the
agency quoted its source.

Targeted attack or accidental infection?

"Wired" was, according to the now more precisely described in Creech
virus two weeks ago by the security system of the U.S. military
discovered that the remote pilot would not be deterred from carrying out
further missions. Still seems unclear whether it was a targeted attack
or an accidental infection is one of the numerous viruses that are
constantly on the road network.

Actually military used computers should be generally immune from such
attacks: they are usually not connected to the Internet, which is
considered as the only way to protect themselves against such attacks
and secure from hacker attacks. The computers allow in Creech However,
unlike many other military computers, "Wired" According to the
connection of external drives. For example, drones recorded video and
card data from one computer to another would be transported. If such a
drive previously depended on a Internet-connected computer, the virus
could have arrived on this path in the "entnetzten" military machine.
The use of external drives is now worldwide on all Air Force bases have
been banned, "reports Wired."

In a similar way, for example, damaged the Stuxnet virus, the Iranian
nuclear program. He was probably introduced via a contaminated USB stick
into the computer systems actually disconnected from the power of Iran's
Natanz nuclear facility. Even U.S. military computers have been
previously carried on external hard drives, introduced viruses have been

Every keystroke logging

The virus surfaced now transported apparently called a keylogger. Such a
malicious program logs every keystroke on the infected machine and sends
this information to the more-or those who have brought the program into
circulation. However, this should be impossible to separate from the
network computers.

The remote-controlled combat planes are not affected for the first time
of a security problem. In December 2009 it was announced that Iraqi
insurgents with commercially available, much cheaper technology
intercepted the video feeds from drones. The "Wall Street Journal"
reported on laptops seized during arrests were U.S. soldiers discovered
"hours and hours" of material from drone cameras. Many of the aircraft
to send their video conferences over unencrypted to their ground stations.

A military spokesman declined to comment on the report about the virus
"wired" to non-official. Give generally to security vulnerabilities or
attacks on its own systems from any comments. It will, however, invested
heavily "in order to protect our systems to monitor and to counter
threats and to ensure safety." This included also "a comprehensive
response to viruses, worms and other malware that we discover."

Even the CIA uses "Reaper" - and "Predator" drone, according to Reuters
in Yemen, Afghanistan and Libya. The "Washington Post" reports U.S.
drones have killed over since the year 2001 2000 insurgents and civilians.

U.S. government workers in the next sighting Wikileaks

U.S. government workers in the next sighting Wikileaks

The Inter-American provider Sonic.net and search engine provider Google
have a newspaper report that information through the e-mail account of
the Wikileaks Helper Jacob Appelbaum issue to the U.S. government must.
The company had done so held under a court order sealing series, the
Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. The government had demanded
among other things, details about the e-mail addresses that have
corresponded with those of Appelbaum, but not the content itself via e-mail

Appelbaum is a security expert, hackers, and one of the masterminds
behind the anonymous Tor project. He has been advised repeatedly to the
attention of U.S. authorities. In January 2011 the government had forced
the short message service Twitter , data on some users to publish, which
stood in connection with Wikileaks - including, besides Appelbaum, the
Icelandic parliament deputy Birgitta Jónsdóttir and the Dutch hacker Rop
Gonggrijp. Against them by a judge in an expedited procedure -sanctioned
investigation is the appeal.

Against the 28-year-old U.S. citizen Appelbaum has been collected, the
report says no charges. In secret court orders, the company also can not
inform the customers concerned about the activities. Compared to CNET
News said Sonic CEO Dane Jasper, at least that the secrecy was lifted at
the request of his company and he could Appelbaum informed about the

Basis of action by the U.S. government is a federal law on safeguards
for electronic communications from 1986 to advantage. Unlike a regular
search warrant, the authorities of the arrangement in question does not
present concrete evidence, but demonstrate only probable cause.
Investigators is possible on the basis of the law to access information
from server-based e-mail accounts or cell phone tracking data without
requiring them to obtain a search warrant.

The age of the Internet before the law came into force (Electronic
Communications Privacy Act, ECPA) is not without controversy in the
United States. The scheme should allow the citizens of that time
emerging electronic communication the same protection from arbitrary
access by authorities as telephone calls or correspondence. The
technical development has progressed considerably, however. According to
the Wall Street Journal, there are judgments to consider the
constitutionality of the provision in question. A group of well-known IT
companies - including Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and eBay -
advertises in Washington for a reform of the ECPA.

Disorders in Blackberry services

Disorders in Blackberry services

Several online services from Research In Motion (RIM) had not been
reached for several hours, reported the Daily Telegraph. By late
afternoon, the breakdown was not yet resolved accordingly. RIM is
expressed at the request of the news agency dpa initially not on the
report. Meanwhile, the company gives in to Twitter, where "some users in
EMEA" (Europe, Middle East, Africa), there were problems. A mobile phone
provider in Egypt and one in Bahrain on, the RIM server as a cause of
the disorder.

According to the British newspaper next to the e-mail service also fell
from the Internet usage and the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), the user can
send short messages. Companies were not affected by its own Blackberry
server (BES).

Password stealing via FTP at Hetzner

Password stealing via FTP at Hetzner

Gradually, the details of the coming cyber-intrusion at Hetzner web
hosting brought to light: In an interview with Netzwelt.de explains
Tobias Huch media entrepreneur that he was behind the burglary. He
claimed that he could pull themselves up after a note containing a
normal customer account via FTP in the directory structure and to reach
as critical areas of the server.

In this way he will be getting to the root password to the server and
other server management. Yikes This will eventually have access "to all
real systems" had. Then he made an editor of the Mirror familiar with
the matter, so this is in conjunction with Hetzner. For demonstration
purposes, he will "personally, among other things with a password by
Martin Hetzner" the editor have provided.

When contacted by heise Security Manager Martin Hetzner confirmed that
it was the Mirror last Wednesday drew attention to the security problem.
The information previously provided by Huch would not be sufficient to
track the intruder can seamlessly. Huch was "not as knowledgable as
desired" and have the company with "little or nothing" to supply
information. Hetzner, however, could understand the basis of a data bank
statement no doubt that an access has occurred on the internal database.
For irritation caused also the time, went to the Huch in connection with

While Huch said in the interview that the "worst gaps directly" were
closed by the contact part of the mirror, he stated towards Hetzner,
that he is already in the past year, access gave the password and the
gap earlier this year, probably unwittingly, by Hetzner has been closed.
Since Hetzner not yet know the exact cause of the problem, the company
is working with an external service to the Enlightenment. According
Hetzner there is as yet no evidence that the vulnerability has been
misused for criminal purposes.

BlackBerrys to speak NFC

BlackBerrys to speak NFC

Under the name "Day" wants Research in Motion (RIM ) in the next update
to version 7 of the operating system of its BlackBerry smartphone
features new NFC (Near Field Communication) to offer ]. This is to
BlackBerry users can exchange their devices by simply stringing together
hold documents, contacts and other information.

Used the tag functions will initially be presented only with the recent
models Bold and Curve 9350/9360/9370 9900/9930, which is already stuck
in NFC modules and BlackBerryOS 7th According to RIM's plans also
provide developers with an API to access those functions.

NFC is a wireless technology with a range of up to four centimeters. It
is used among others by credit card companies for contactless payment
transactions. Recently, the NFC consortium had presented a protocol for
direct data exchange.

Refills: driver updates for Battlefield 3 and Rage

Refills: driver updates for Battlefield 3 and Rage

For the new first-person shooter Battlefield 3 and Rage have the
graphics chip-maker AMD and Nvidia optimized beta drivers provided for
download. 11:10 2 Preview for the Catalyst Radeon graphics cards, there
is a preview of the end of October, appearing final Catalyst
driver-11.10. The beta driver supports Eyefinity in addition to the
existing operating modes, the 5 × 1-monitor arrangement.

The official Catalyst 9.11 does not yet include optimizations for
Battlefield 3 and Rage. It fixes numerous bugs and provides stereoscopy
using HD3D interface is now in DisplayPort monitors.

The waiting time until the first final driver for the 285er series
Nvidia GeForce graphics cards bridged with the beta driver 285.38. In
addition to the adjustments for Battlefield 3 and Rage, it improves
performance in many games in SLI mode, up to 13 percent.
Graphics card / IGP

Radeon: Version 11.9 of the Catalyst driver dated 09/27/2011 for
Windows 7 (32 bit)
Radeon: Version 11.9 of the Catalyst driver dated 09/27/2011 for
Windows 7 (64 bit)
Radeon: Version 11.9 of the Catalyst driver dated 09/27/2011 for
Windows Vista (32 bit)
Radeon: Version 11.9 of the Catalyst driver dated 09/27/2011 for
Windows Vista (64 bit)
Radeon: Version 11.9 of the Catalyst driver dated 09/27/2011 for
Windows XP (32 bit)
Radeon: Version 11.9 of the Catalyst driver dated 09/27/2011 for Windows
XP (64 bit)
Radeon: Version 11.9 of the Catalyst driver dated 09/27/2011 for Linux
(32/64 Bit)
Radeon M: Version 9.11 of the Catalyst driver dated 09/27/2011 for
Windows Vista / 7 (32 bit)
Radeon M: Version 9.11 of the Catalyst driver dated 09/27/2011 for
Windows Vista / 7 (64 bit)
Radeon AGP: AGP hotfix version 11.9 of dated 09/27/2011 for Windows
XP/Vista/7 (32/64)
Radeon: 11:10 Preview 2 version of the Catalyst driver dated 10/07/2011
for Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64)
Radeon: Version 11.9 of CAP1 CrossfireX profiles dated 09/27/2011 for
Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64)


HD Graphics (core i): version of the driver dated
5.9.2011 for Windows Vista / 7 (64 bit)
HD Graphics (core i): version of the driver dated
5.9.2011 for Windows Vista / 7 (32 bit)
HD Graphics (core i) version of the driver dated
14/09/2011 for Windows XP (64 bit)
HD Graphics (core i) the driver version dated 09/14/2011
for Windows XP (32 bit)


GeForce / ion: version of the GeForce 285.38 driver dated 26/09/2011
for Windows Vista / 7 (32 bit)
GeForce / ion: version of the GeForce 285.38 driver dated 26/09/2011
for Windows Vista / 7 (64 bit)
GeForce / ion: version of the GeForce 285.38 driver dated 26/09/2011
for Windows XP (32 bit)
GeForce / ion: version of the GeForce 285.38 driver dated 26/09/2011
for Windows XP (64 bit)
GeForce M / ion: the Verde version 285.38 driver dated 26/09/2011 for
Windows Vista / 7 (32 bit)
GeForce M / ion: the Verde version 285.38 driver dated 26/09/2011 for
Windows Vista / 7 (64 bit)


AMD Chipsets: Version 9.11 of the Southbridge / AHCI driver dated
28/09/2011 for Windows 7 (32/64)
AMD Chipsets: Version 9.11 of the Southbridge / AHCI driver dated
28/09/2011 for Windows Vista (32/64 bit)
AMD Chipsets: Version 9.11 of the Southbridge / AHCI driver dated
28/09/2011 for Windows XP (32/64 bit)


HDA Codecs R2.65 version of the driver dated 2.9.2011 for Windows
XP/Vista/7 (32/64)

Skobbler navigate online and offline

Skobbler navigate online and offline

The inexpensive navigational app Skobbler was published under the new
name GPS navigation 2. However, there are currently only this version
for the iPhone, according to the manufacturer it is compatible with IOS
5 and still costs 1.59 euros. It supports the retina display of the
iPhone 4 and runs on the iPad.

Under the new surface from Skobbler lies the possibility of cards for
offline GPS navigation nachzukaufen 2 uses as its predecessors, the free
regularly updated maps from OpenStreetMap, with the current section is
loaded from the Internet. But you can also maps country or continent as
download to navigate offline. The download of a country's costs as an
in-app purchasing € 2.39, € 5.99 a continent and the world map € 9.99.
Once purchased tickets can delete and install them when needed again to
save space.

The surface of the app has been completely revised. After completing the
five great start, hard to offending buttons. In offline mode makes a
list of suggestions the address entry. In addition, the recalculation of
the route is quicker, if no data is loaded. His current position can be
passed by e-mail or Facebook.

NoSQL Oracle database is not only BerkeleyDB

NoSQL Oracle database is not only BerkeleyDB

In his first announcement a separate NoSQL database Oracle revealed few
details, so hang one thing remained: The basis of it all is the Berkeley
DB, an established long-standing key-value store.

The impression that they had stuck to just another label that would not
leave, and Oracle is now clear that his NoSQL database offers a lot more
than the file-oriented BerkeleyDB. They bring among other replication,
dynamic partitioning of the data ("sharding"), load balancing,
monitoring, and monitoring functions as well as backups across multiple

Also the interface is different from BerkeleyDB. Remains exactly as it
looks, though still unclear. Oracle notes, however, that the Java API
for key-value pairs CRUD functions (create, read, update, delete) and
"iteration" offer. The latter could stand for cursor support. There are
also major and minor keys, and all pairs are a common master key in the
same replication group.

In addition, the NoSQL abstracting from the underlying database
replication technology. This user would have to worry about the machines
that act as master or slave.

Dart aims at Google's web applications

Dart aims at Google's web applications

Like a month ago suggested, and Google has now introduced a new
programming language for the Web. "Dart" is open source, should be
better than the previously established for JavaScript applications are
suitable for large and relies on classical object-orientation.

This however does not mean a departure from JavaScript: Dart programs
can be run natively within a virtual machine as well be translated to
JavaScript by a compiler. Its prototype object-oriented technology
replaces summarized dart through interfaces, methods and constants, as
well as classes that implement these interfaces. Developers can write
their own libraries, guaranteed not to change at run time. As a result,
different applications could reliably shared libraries share.

Presumably as a nod to die-hard fans will find JavaScript to continue
non-typed next to the newly introduced typed variables. For working with
arrays, lists, and (hash) maps Dart also provides functions such as
library for accessing the DOM. It is oriented Dart "loose" in the HTML5

So far there is for those interested on the homepage of the project is
not an executable software. You must download the sources and even
translate. That should work on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Condition
among others are some tools that also uses the free Chromium Project. On
Windows, Visual Studio, Mac OS X, the Xcode IDE is required.

Details on the characteristics of the new language, code examples and a
mini-tutorial provides a dedicated website Dart.

10 years Google Germany

10 years Google Germany

Ten years ago, Google opened its first German office in Hamburg in order
to boost the advertising business in Germany. Google has grown rapidly
during the decade. More than 500 Googlers are working in Hamburg,
Munich, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt and Berlin. Since a few years ago is no
longer sold in Germany only to advertising, the software company can
also develop in Munich. Among other things, are Google's data protection
solutions such as the dashboard from the Bavarian capital, and also a
part of the development of the browser finds Chrome there instead.

On his anniversary website to find videos of the German sites in October
is the whole Google anniversary logo, under which the user can take a
look behind the scenes to. Google has compiled the following site
www.10jahregoogle.de , which is being carried out on an interactive
timeline with milestones of the company, interesting and funny searches
from the last decade, and interviews with staff from the German offices.

4S iPhone in the U.S.: 200,000 pre-orders at AT & T, starts delivery

4S iPhone in the U.S.: 200,000 pre-orders at AT & T, starts delivery

AT & T, Apple's most important mobile phone partner in the U.S., has
reported record sales for the new iPhone 4S. Accordingly, were ordered
in the first 12 hours 200,000 devices. Sprint, the first iPhone provider
in the U.S., reported a rapid sell-out, the third partner Verizon
devices can currently provide no more. [Update: Within the first 24
hours have received Apple and mobile operator partners more than a
million advance orders for the iPhone 4S. This, the company announced
today in a statement known. Thus, the interest on the new model
surpasses the previous record of 4 iPhone: Apple counted here in the
summer of 2010 more than 600,000 pre-orders on the first day. However,
the number of countries and mobile operators, where the sales launch of
the iPhone on 14 4S October is higher than last year - four in five in
2010, the iPhone launched this year instead of seven states and in the
U.S. and Germany was the iPhone at that time only available at an
exclusive provider].

Meanwhile in the U.S. went out the first pre-orders to customers,
including iPhone-4S models of Sprint. It is unclear whether the devices
really before 14 Arrive in October, Apple co-ordinated with the package
delivery services like one at the official Verkaufsstarttag.

In Germany the iPhone 4S is also difficult to get. The Telekom announced
"delays in the ordering process," while the Apple Online Store for
devices without a SIM or Netlock delivery times of one to two weeks is

Researchers want to include providers and States in the fight against online censorship

Researchers want to include providers and States in the fight against
online censorship

Western politicians like Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of demand from
other states in a keynote speech on the internet like [1]. Pushed the
project telex, the researchers of the Faculty of Computer Engineering
from the University of Michigan, would enable countries like the United
States help now active in preventing censorship on the Net: using their
own servers and the infrastructure of large Internet service providers
to providing.

"Telex is working with a kind of super proxy, which is in the core of
the network. The technology allows us to make large parts of the
Internet to a free proxy", telex Wustrow maker Eric explains in an
interview with T R. Instead of just a single IP address or domain to be
limited, Telex operates over a large part of the traffic that the
censors appear harmless at first glance. "If you block this range,
number of authorized Internet sites are being blocked, what harm the
economy of a country's censorship would be difficult or politically

Telex consists of two main components: the Telex application that runs
on a user's computer, and the telex stations with Internet providers or
on large servers, which connect the data traffic in a censored country
with the rest of the network. To conceal the destination of a data
request, Telex uses steganography. Here, the actual messages are built
using special algorithms in an open readable message which reveals
nothing about the secret content.

Governments and providers of the project hoped it telex strong support.
"If a whole country being censored, we use just half the free Internet
in a different governments and providers have to fight in the best
position to censorship -. As opposed to individual users." Currently the
researchers are in the process. to push a larger prototype projects, so
Wustrow. "We have spoken with several major providers and advertise a
money. We hope that this does something soon."

Foretaste of the JDK 7 for Mac OS X

Foretaste of the JDK 7 for Mac OS X

Oracle provides the Java Development Kit (JDK), version 7 for the first
time, Mac OS X users. The JDK7 Mac OS X port developer preview is based
on Apple's OpenJDK contributed work and requires a Mac with an Intel

Tested the software on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0, and should have been
a few problems. Sun Apple promise to assist with an upcoming update all
the APIs required by JDK - if by then incompatibilities were to appear,
you can fix this temporarily with a patch provided by Apple.

Developers can use the preview version of the JDK 7, taking note of a
Pre-Production Software Evaluation Agreement immediately for free download.

API reference for porting Android and IOS to Qt

API reference for porting Android and IOS to Qt

Those who want to port their apps from Apple's or Google's Android IOS
on Nokia's Symbian platform or Meego (the N9), can now learn about the
Qt API mapping tool equivalent to Qt interface. Nokia is the tool for
information on the mapping of Android on Qt, (already available in
September) of IOS on Qt and soon for Windows Mobile available to Qt.

Nokia's Qt API mapping tool provides a directory on the web page with
references to the APIs used in each case and thereby link the Qt
documentation, and documentation of the Google Android, Apple and
Microsoft's Windows Mobile IOS. Developers to easily matching the Qt
counterparts to those used in Android, Windows Mobile or IOS classes,
methods, elements and properties can be found.

State Trojans: A spy software, among other things, Bavaria

State Trojans: A spy software, among other things, Bavaria

One of the sources analyzed by the CCC for the government spy software
comes from Bavaria. In total there should be but at least two
independent sources of the CCC for the spy software.

Patrick Schladt, attorney of an affected person, which was monitored by
State Trojans, now shared with : "One of the CCC documented State
Trojans were found on the hard disk of my clients that I, in agreement
with the client to a publicly known representatives of the CCC have let
pass. This is the case here at the 'Screenshot trojan', which was
already in spring this year the subject of public discussion. " The
chain of evidence to the CCC Schladt be documented.

Copied the Trojans had a chance to control his client through customs at
the Munich airport has been explained further Schladt. "Even if the
measure itself was controlled by the Bavarian authorities, it is clear
to me beyond dispute that federal agencies - such as the Customs and the
Customs Criminal Office - in the course of assistance were involved This
is confirmed in my view, not least that the same software. from several
states came to the CCC. "

[Update: The case in which the state was used Trojans went far to
serious crime or terrorism. This affected the employees of a company,
said Schladt the year beginning to process around the use of the Trojan,
which has to do with the trade of pharmaceutical products, the fall in
Germany under the Narcotics Act (Betäubungsmittelgesetz), but in some
cases for export legally "mutate" to drugs.]

The Bavarian Justice Ministry had announced in June this year, that the
Trojan that is designed according to the Bavarian Police Act for the
surveillance of suspects, have already been used several times . The
so-called Trojan Bavaria was used demanch 2009-2010 a total of five
times in Augsburg, Nuremberg, Munich and Landshut. This crime should be
bound and professionally as fraud or drug trafficking in narcotics and
be educated.

The customs shall become the so-called Trojan TKÜ source (source
telecommunication surveillance) one to listen to voice over IP calls at
the station before their encryption or after decryption at the receiver.
As the Trojans at Munich Airport on the computer of the affected was
posted, so in addition to the LKA Bayern also the duty for the State
Trojans can be responsible. Already in 2008 it was called in a response
to the federal government is preparing a small request of the FDP
parliamentary group, the Customs to perform an action, "in which the
transmission of monitoring software on the terminal of the defendant and
the use of this software in ways a remote control "should be possible.

The CSU, the Bavarian state parliament was introduced in 2008 against
the bitter resistance of the opposition, the controversial online search
is the first German federal state. Accordingly, police and domestic
intelligence may for preventive defense against the dangers of computer
snoop on suspects. In the actual prosecution specifically planned or
already executed crime may, however prosecutors and detectives continue
to surreptitiously enter not into computers.

In July 2009, limited, the black-yellow coalition, the Bavarian state
parliament in online searches again: According to the police may not
secretly enter homes to install spyware. According to a report in the
Frankfurter Rundschau, the Bavarian Ministry of Justice of the Hessian
company DigiTask responsible for development of Bavaria Trojan: Internal
correspondence from the Bavarian Ministry of Justice show that was
started four years ago with the development and use of illegal
surveillance software was - and that the state had put the control of
the program of the Trojans in the hands of private companies.

The Bavarian law enforcement agencies had to deal with its spy software
can also plug in already legal defeats: A ruling by the Landgericht
Landshut, the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office (LKA) been
researching for months with a spying trojan the computer of a suspect
without a legal basis . This spy software is now one of the Trojans,
which is based on the analysis of state monitoring software by the CCC.

>From Lower Saxony said now that there is no one set LKA illegal spy
software for spying on computers. Although there exist a software for
monitoring the telecommunications of suspects, then-President Uwe LKA
Kolmey according to dpa. "We draw but only to communications data, no
screenshots, no disk access." The monitoring of Internet telephony takes
place only on a judicial decision, stressed the agency head. Since 2009,
the LCA software for Kolmeys information only in two cases was used.

The State Trojans analyzed by the CCC goes far beyond the Federal
Constitutional Court set limits. The use of the software is therefore a
blatant breach of law dar. example, the Federal Constitutional Court
determined in its ruling regarding the secret online searches that when
including the sources of the telecommunications interception technical
precautions must be taken to prevent more than listening VoIP calls are.
That's where the CCC examined Trojans not the case, he already offers
features that go beyond the monitoring. In addition, the Federal
Constitutional Court formulated the basic computer law (basic law on
confidentiality and integrity of information technology systems [16])
has been violated by the reload of the Trojan.

The Humanist Union meanwhile announced in , we will work with all
legally available means to ensure that the continued use of the State
Trojans will be set. In addition, we urge clarification about who is
responsible for programming and use of such software is unlawful. "This
bug must be stopped."

[Update, 10:10, 17:49. Meanwhile, the Bavarian Interior Ministry
confirmed that at least one of the CCC is leaked from the Bavarian State
Trojans prosecutors. The initial measurement of the Bavarian LKA had
concluded that "the CCC leaked software, an investigation of the
Bavarian police in 2009 can be assigned. Yet can not be confirmed
whether it is in the present file is a test version from the development
phase or the later in the process actually used version of the software
is. "

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann, said:. "Regardless of our
specialists, the tests will continue intensively I have also asked the
State Commissioner for Data Protection in Bavaria, Dr. Thomas Petri, the
appropriate technical implementing measures to source telecommunication
surveillance and compliance the legal requirements to consider carefully. "

Herrmann said that the interception was a source statutory measure for
law enforcement in the fight against serious crime. So far, the
interception of encrypted telecommunications is always done in a legal
context. Herrmann did not elaborate on why it is in the criminal
proceedings, the lawyer who comes from Schladt forwarded to the CCC
State Trojans should have traded for a capital offense.]

Monday, October 10, 2011

Steve Jobs buried in the family circle

Steve Jobs buried in the family circle

Apple founder Steve Jobs, according to U.S. media reports on Friday buried in the family circle was. The TV channel "Fox News" reported, citing a police spokeswoman, the ceremony had been planned before the gates of his home town of Palo Alto. Even the "Wall Street Journal" called beyond the point when no further details. Jobs had sealed off his private life always on the public.

The inventor of the iPod, iPhone and iPad was died on Wednesday at the age of 56 years as a result of a lengthy cancer illness. Since the news of Jobs' death crowds of fans to express their grief in front of Apple stores with flowers, garlands and personal notes. Even in the Internet services such as Facebook and Twitter broke a wave of sympathy. Apple sent an e-mail address (rememberingsteve@apple.com) one for those "who want to share their thoughts, memories and condolences."

Meanwhile, welcome to the Sony film studio of the information service industry "Deadline Hollywood" buy the film rights to the Jobs biography, on 24 October appears. Walter Isaacson, author of the book had about 50 interviews conducted with dozens of other jobs as well as with people who knew him. So far there are only about jobs the TV movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley" in the late 90s, tells the story of his rivalry with Microsoft founder Bill Gates. Sony had recently filmed with "The Social Network" successful history of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

U.S. Study: Tablet owners use fewer books, newspapers and game consoles

U.S. Study: Tablet owners use fewer books, newspapers and game consoles

After an online poll by GFK MRI among 3,000 U.S. citizens, one for them to play the most popular activities on multimedia tablet-like the iPad. According to enjoy 69 percent of respondents with Angry Birds & Co. The second-favorite pastime of the American owner of the tablet exchange on social networks (59 percent), followed by a look at the weather map and listening to music. 42 percent read electronic books. The share of news magazines and on the tablet is consumed, with more than 28 percent.

The entertainment value of the tablet is apparently so great that indicate 40 to 44 percent of Americans, fewer newspapers, magazines and printed books to read, since they have a Tablet. Equally strong lost the use of desktop computers, one. Most interest to them but otherwise lost game consoles and handhelds. Here indicated 59 percent use them less. The television viewing and cinema visits with 25 or 17 percent suffered much less from the tablet competition.

The lack of other electronic toys could also be related to their age. While the iPad was introduced only a half years ago, are Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii for over five years on the market. The competition of touch devices to receive notice most of the Japanese game maker Nintendo, which launched in March handheld console 3DS previously could not meet sales expectations and was recently reduced in price significantly. Sony wants to bring in early 2012 with the PS Vita a successor of the PSP on the market. Given the changing consumer habits analysts predict the device, despite its technical leadership ability a difficult future.

Study: 90 percent of German web users have reservations against Facebook

Study: 90 percent of German web users have reservations against Facebook

Nine out of ten Internet users in Germany to deal with Facebook to keep personal data for concern. This emerges from a representative survey of pollsters TNS Emnid on behalf of the communications agency Ketchum Pleon. More than one in four respondents claimed to use Facebook yet. Facebook claims to have 20 million users in Germany. For only six percent of respondents to protect their privacy on the Internet is of no interest or concern. 80 percent said they do not release your own photos for all to access the net. Twelve percent have the "with reservations" but only eight percent have done and set photos safely accessible. Restricted for friends and acquaintances, but has already made one out of two separate photographs.

"The current debate over the use of data to users of social networks has been sensitive," said Dirk Popp, CEO of Ketchum Pleon in Düsseldorf, Germany. However, many also applies to: Close your eyes and through. Because only 14 percent of the respondents for data protection reasons the online shopping from the road. The less than half claimed to have given up their data for shopping on the net, despite their misgivings. For the 1000 federal civil trial were aged 14 years and interviewed selected representative. The survey was conducted of 30 September to 1 October. Ketchum Pleon created the study according to a spokesman for the support of customers in the development of social media strategies.

Paper industry calls warning over illegal downloads

Paper industry calls warning over illegal downloads

To deter Internet pirates demanded the German book industry's warnings in the network. "Every illegal download of so-called file-sharing platforms, then the users are advised that they do is illegal," said the chief executive of the Association of German Book Trade, Alexander Skipis, the German Press Agency before the start of the Frankfurt Book Fair (12 -16.10.). After an internal investigation branch were downloaded in the past year, some 14 million e-books illegal. This would correspond to 62 percent of all downloaded tracks. These notes should be sent automatically from the Internet providers, calls Skipis. "This failure, however, so far.'s Why we need the help of politics."

The discussions with the Department of Commerce had not yet been completed, although Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), two years ago had promised their support at the book fair in respect of copyright law. "The contents of our authors are stolen by criminal organizations that have made the business model," complained Skipis. If the author for his performance would not pay more, "then it will eventually be no more content, you can pirate." Particularly extreme piracy is in science. But even in fiction is growing in the illegal supply network and the illegal use. This will in e-book area mainly affect smaller and medium-sized publishers.

Warnings Skipis holds for quite promising. Studies showed that 80 percent of users would behave quite true. Who will continue to illegally downloading a book must expect a warning from the publisher concerned. Skipis sharply criticized in this context, the Pirate Party. "If this freedom and democracy demands on the network, which is a mere empty words. We need rules for our freedom." The Pirate Party has at the start of the Frankfurt Book Fair on Wednesday (12.10.) Announced a demonstration against the requirement of the newspaper publishers, intellectual property right. This "cemented information structures and restricts the freedom of expression", says the protest call of the pirates.

PC remote control via browser

PC remote control via browser

Since Friday is the Chrome extension "Remote Desktop" in the Chrome store in beta for download, a prerequisite is an installed Chrome browser. The tool is mainly used for remote control of other PCs on the network, even on this Chrome browser must be installed and expansion. Of a constraint on Windows PCs on the download page is not mentioned. The extension should therefore also for Chrome installations on Mac OS or Linux are available and also work on the Chrome notebooks that get to be at least indirect access to Windows, Mac or Linux programs.

For the installation of the browser and the extension has no administrative rights are required. Chrome is not as usual in the program directory, but the data directory of the user installs.

The remote software is available as an app on the home page in a new tab. Users who use a googlemail.com address may initially create a release for others - a solution provides the instructions on the Google Watch blog - but only access to a shared computer.

The control by another user can quit by hotkey. In initial tests, the controller was running on a medium speed DSL connection is quite fluid. An adaptation of the desktop window size to the size of the controlling browser does not occur.

So far for the release of your own computer is still a manual intervention is required, which produces among other things, the Kommunikationspartener to send twelve digit number. This activates the remote control. A function to control their own computer from a distance will run after Google in a future update.